EDGE Author Sara Grant Asks: Are you a planner or a pantser?
I love New Year’s Eve. I know it’s technically just another date on the calendar, but for me, Big Ben's twelve bongs signal a fresh start. The slate is wiped clean for the new year and anything is possible.
I love New Year’s Eve. I know it’s technically just another date on the calendar, but for me, Big Ben's twelve bongs signal a fresh start. The slate is wiped clean for the new year and anything is possible.
week my husband and I will sit down and write our goals for 2015. We set
personal and professional goals – everything from developing new book projects to
volunteering to improving relationships with family and friends. While
preparing for this annual ritual, I realized that I live my life like I write
my books: I start with a plan.
I worked in corporate PR, I was known as the queen of the matrix (not the cool movie kind but the boring ol' chart kind). If there was
a plan to be written and a timeline to be organized – I was your gal. I don’t
get out of bed without a to-do list and if you’ve served on a committee with me, odds are I was the one to type up the meeting notes and
organize a to-do list. I’m sure there’s a psychological diagnosis for my
obsession with planning – but as yet no cure.
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"I’m a plotter who is often surprised by the unplanned twists my story takes me once I start writing." – Paula Rawsthorne |
Albert Zuckerman in Writing the Blockbuster Novel believes that plotting and planning a story isn't crazy at all: “No sane person would think of setting out to construct a skyscraper or even a one-family home without a detailed set of plans. A big novel must have the literary equivalent of beams and joists strong enough to sustain it excitingly from beginning to end, and it also must contain myriad interlocking parts fully as complex as those in any building type.”
"I am a loose plotter (tighter if it’s a thriller), but without fail my characters (who are pantsers) ALWAYS surprise me and take over, creating unexpected plot twists and turns!" – Katie Dale |
year my friend and I were lamenting our lack of spontaneity. She said, ‘Why
don’t we plan to be more spontaneous next year?” We, of course, laughed at the
irony of the statement. But I’ve come to realize that planned spontaneity is
the perfect way to describe my writing process. I research and plan but then
let the characters surprise me. A give and take of whimsy and calculation is
what works for me.
I write a detailed storyline, noting what happens in every chapter. Other stories
spring from a bulleted list of milestones. I typically write the opening
chapters as I’m developing the storyline to play with voice. But my creation process
isn’t strictly logical. Each writing project must engage my head and heart. I have to be able to solve the
puzzle of my plot and subplots – how they twist and tangle together, but I also
have to figure out the heart of my story: Why is this story so important to me?
Why am I the only one who can write it?
In The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters, Akiva Goldsman, award-winning film writer and producer, explains what I call heart this way: “The trick is to be connected to the material of your imagination, thematically and concretely, write what interests you because if you’re NOT fascinated and excited by the writing of the script, the reader won’t be fascinated and excited by the reading of it. Try to find something in the idea that speaks to your own life, something you think is authentic, true, compelling in your story.”
In The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters, Akiva Goldsman, award-winning film writer and producer, explains what I call heart this way: “The trick is to be connected to the material of your imagination, thematically and concretely, write what interests you because if you’re NOT fascinated and excited by the writing of the script, the reader won’t be fascinated and excited by the reading of it. Try to find something in the idea that speaks to your own life, something you think is authentic, true, compelling in your story.”
When I have my plot outlined and a sample chapter written, I must feel compelled to write the story. It should occupy nearly every waking moment and keep me up at night. The story must demand to be written.
never written a book that goes exactly as planned, and I’ve never lived a year
without unexpected surprises. I write goals and make plans and then roll with
what each minute, hour and day brings.
So plot or pants...
How do you write?
How do you live?
How do you write?
How do you live?
Sara Grant has written two edgy teen novels -- Dark Parties and Half Lives -- and a funny series for young readers -- Magic Trix. For more information on Sara and her books, visit www.sara-grant.com or follow her on Twitter @AuthorSaraGrant